The combination of procedures done to remove gynecomastia glands and give an aesthetically pleasing chest is called gynecomastia surgery. Usually, it is a combination of limited liposuction of the chest to get rid of extra fat and contour the chest properly and surgical gland excision to cut out and completely remove the gland from the body.
What is the need for Gynecomastia surgery?
In a previous article blog post, I discussed that gynecomastia is not a disease it is a Cosmetic problem. Most of the time men suffering from this condition are otherwise perfectly healthy.
gynecomastia does not affect their health in any way.
But because of the nature of the problem gynecomastia can cause psychological problems. An ideal male chest would be one where the skin is stretched and tightly applied to the underlying muscles, the nipple and areola complex should be flat and there should be no hint of breast mounds in the area of the nipple and areola.
Boys with the appearance of a feminine chest may feel ashamed of themselves. Although gynecomastia is just a developmental anomaly young impressionable boys may feel lesser of themselves.
Peer teaching is also a problem which can affect the boy’s psychology adversely. Usually, such boys are not able to discuss the problem with any of their friends or even their parents and relatives. They may start wearing loose clothing and adopt a forwards bent posture to hide gynecomastia.
Some of the men may also gain extra weight and fat in order to hide the gynecomastia.
There may be difficulty in normal social interaction and initiation of healthy interpersonal relationships. The hesitation of interacting with the opposite sex can have a deep psychological impact.
Also, the inability to wear appropriate clothing for sports and gym prevents the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.
a long-standing inferiority complex may begin to affect normal day-to-day life. In extreme cases, it can also lead to depression.
The adoption of a forward bend position can lead to postural problems causing chronic back pains.
Advantages of Gynecomastia Surgery
- Gynecomastia surgery helps To correct the self-body image. It can help overcome inferiority and regain confidence. It helps to overcome the hesitation of social interactions and motivates a person to adopt a healthy lifestyle. It may help to achieve an overall better emotional well-being.
- Gynecomastia surgery also helps to correct posture. By improving, posture chronic back pain may be relieved.
- Gynecomastia surgery may also help to reduce weight as the primary cause of weight gain was how to hide the gynecomastia glands.
- Careers like modelling and bodybuilding require a perfect body. Gynecomastia surgery achieves the perfect male chest and opens up opportunities for careers like Modelling, acting and bodybuilding and also outdoor sports.
- The results of gynecomastia are permanent and gynecomastia surgery is a one-time procedure that can be conveniently done under General anaesthesia or under local anaesthesia in a single sitting.
- Gynecomastia Surgery is a safe and inexpensive procedure that helps to get rid of gynecomastia forever.
- Gynecomastia surgery gives good results irrespective of the cause. Even if the gynecomastia has developed because of the underlying disease or because of medications the gynecomastia glands will not get resolved by stopping the medication or treatment of the disease. The glands will have to be removed surgically. Even in the presence of an underlying disease gynecomastia surgery gives permanent relief from the psychological pain of suffering from gynecomastia.
What do men need to know before having gynecomastia surgery?
Gynecomastia is not a disease although it can be a symptom of one. So it is advisable to consult your surgeon if you think you may have gynecomastia.
If the gynecomastia is due to a disease or medication, gynecomastia surgery will only remove the glands, the underlying problem will not get cured.
Still the Psychological benefits of having a gynecomastia surgery warrant a formal procedure to get rid of gynecomastia irrespective of the cause.